About us
We are a team of dedicated change makers with a mission. Purpose is not a product we offer, it is who we are, what we breathe and live.
We all have a background in purposeful pioneering. Our people have done great things, such as building great companies like the award winning Eosta, writing books about Purpose since 2017, starting purpose based consulting and coaching in 2016. And also, doing what we can to change the organizations we were working for from within.
We work from a deep urge to mobilize business leaders, and together with them, show the world how we can transition into an economy that serves all stakeholders.
We are not naive. We know how complex it is to change organizations, let alone an industry. Complex, but not impossible. We have a broad experience in change management with both large as smaller companies. But that is not our biggest asset. We believe in traveling together. We bond with you and your people. You get our passion and commitment for free.
We live in an economy that has passed its expiration date. Serving a system that no longer serves us has no future.
Let’s explore new grounds!
Meet the Team
Any questions or interest in one of our programs?
We are happy to answer all your questions or interest. You can call, e-mail of fill in our contact form any time to make an appointment and drink some coffee.