Purpose based consultency
Company Purpose Discovery
- for companies who are struggling to make a positive impact without losing profitability
- for companies who want to know how to be of relevance to society
- for not for profit organisations who want to put purpose over budget
4 days program including research and stakeholder interviews: € 15.000 to 20.000 depending on the size of the organisation.
An authentic, relevant, credible and appealing purpose statement which is strong enough to start a purpose journey.
Step 1
What is your heritage? Why was your company founded? What needs did it fullfil over the years? What kind of people were the founders? how did the company survive and thrive all those years? what is it always relying on?
Step 2
What is happening in your market? Regarding the millennium goals, how is your market operating? We plot your company in terms of frontrunner, early adopter or early majority. we make a SWOT analysis regarding your position towards purpose in your market.
Step 3
What is your inconvenient truth? We elaborate on your personal purpose, linking it to the needs of your market and society. We faclitate you to make heartfelt choices on what you would like to change in your market/world, because you truly feel uncomfortable doing ‘nothing’.
Step 4
What is the positive impact you strive for? Gathering all necessary information from the former steps we start crafting your desired positive impact. Your legacy and the SWOT tells us where you good at, the market tells us what it truly needs to become more compliant with the millennium goals and your heartfelt choices point in the direction of your biggest concerns. We help you put this together into an appealing purpose statement.
Any questions or interest in one of our programs?
We are happy to answer all your questions or interest. You can call, e-mail of fill in our contact form any time to make an appointment and drink some coffee.