Purpose based people solutions

Purpose Discovery

All creative endeavours stem from deeply knowing the answers to the questions: “Who am I?” and “What is my work?”. Knowing your purpose is the springboard towards your biggest contribution and legacy, what in turn leads to a truly fulfilling life and career.

  • Personal Purpose Discovery is designed for leadership team members that want to make impact but are not sure in what way, and everyone that wants to have a meaningful career and feels they have more to offer .


6 sessions in a 10 week time frame
2000 euro for C-level and leadership team member 1500 euro for other team members


People knowing why they are here and have a clear purpose statement and an action plan for how they can implement it in their current or future role.

Book a free first session



  1. Getting clear on fascinations, passions and curiosities
  2. Getting clear on strengths and weaknesses
  3. Getting on who they are as a person
  4. Getting clear on values, drivers and purpose
  5. Translating purpose to a role that fits the other elements of your personal profile
  6. Drawing up an action plan

Hop on a free exploration call

Do you want to know what a purpose discovery journey can offer for you or someone on your team? Feel free to call us for a first free session, to get clear on your objectives and get our consultation on what you need to get to your goals.

Hop on a call

Any questions or interest in one of our programs?

We are happy to answer all your questions or interest. You can call, e-mail of fill in our contact form any time to make an appointment and drink some coffee.

Let's have a coffee